After we were all tired and sun tanned out, we went to change our train tickets, buy me some 'after shampoo' (conditioner), and go to the winery. From there we went back to Anne's to shower and get ready for the night. Anne had made reservations at a restaurant on the beach on an island called Sète. It's about 30 kilometers from Montpellier. It was absolutely beautiful. Sète is a port island and is full of fisherman. It's a cute town! And has amazing seafood since it's all fresh. The restaurant we went to sat right on the beach where we had an amazing view of the Sea. The mountain in the middle of the island was spotted with lights from the houses on it. The restaurant of course didn't have english menus, so the waiter was kind enough to take Anne and I to look at the different fish and sea creatures and tell us what each one was. I ended up buying a seafood platter that was full of muscles, giant oysters, and crayfish. It. Was. Amazing. And so fresh! What a way to end an amazing time in Montpellier. We left the restaurant and headed back to Anne's house in Montpellier, Sète lit up and sparkling in the rear view mirror. When we arrived at Anne's we threw a few things in our suitcases and went to bed.

Right now we're on our final train ride headed back to Paris where we'll meet with Philippe and Florence and spend our last night in Europe.
Tomorrow afternoon we fly back home to Minnesota. It has been such a blessing and such an amazing experience to be able to travel around Europe for the last month. Everyone here has been so helpful and I am so thankful to everyone! Thank you all for translating things into english for me, for driving me around, for taking me skating, for being a tourist with me, and for letting me stay with you.
Philippe, Florence, Phil, Marlinda, Ingo, Matt, Ola, Veit, Anne- You are all wonderful :) Thank you for everything! If you ever come to America you are more then welcome to stay with me.
Too everyone who read this- Thank you for all the comments and well wishes. Thank you for actually reading this! I was a little worried no one would look at it except my parents- but I have been proven wrong. You are all awesome!
See you all soon
Au revoir!
Things I learned in Europe:
1. If you can't parallel park or drive a manual you should reconsider renting a car.
2. Public transportation is so much easier and more convenient than driving a car.
3. I love me some techno.
4. Clothes are a lot cheaper at home. Actually, most things are. Except for fruits and vegetables. Those are cheap here.
5. We are very casual dressers.
6. Generally I have no idea what I'm eating here, but it normally tastes really good.
7. I like the different lifestyles here.
8. Downtowns in europe are much safer than ours.
9. The people are much more open and less 'cliquey' here.
10. I love Europe <3